n1=;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THIS WILL BEEP IF SOMEONE NEEDS YOU~~~~~~~~~~~~~
n2=#page start
n3=1:PAGE: {
n4= if (%pager == off) {
n5= notice $nick [ $+ %ver $+ ] The Pager is Off Right Now
n6= halt
n7= }
n8= /splay c:\numb\page.wav
n9= /notice $nick $nick thank-you for paging me, your page was recieved on 14,1-15,1-4,1{14,1- $date 14,1-4,1}15,1-14,1 at 14,1-15,1-4,1{14,1- $timestamp 14,1-4,1}15,1-14,1 , If I'm Around i should answer in a few minutes, if not leave a message by typing 4,1/ctcp $me ANSWER 1,4<4,1Your Message1,4> Thanx $me :)
n16= notice $nick [ $+ %ver $+ ] The Answering Machine Is Off Right Now
n17= halt
n18= }
n19= /write c:\numb\messages\msglog.txt echo 5 -a On $date At $timestamp $nick said : $parm2*
n20= notice $nick $nick thank-you for For Leaving A message! It was recieved on 14,1-15,1-4,1{14,1- $date 14,1-4,1}15,1-14,1 at 14,1-15,1-4,1{14,1- $atime($time) 14,1-4,1}15,1-14,1 Thanx $me :)
n35= notice $nick Thanx for sending me [ $+ $parm3 $+ ] [ $+ %ver $+ ]
n36= write $mircdir $+ gets\gets.txt echo 5 -a [12 $+ $timestamp $+ 5] $nick Sent $me :3 $parm3
n37= }
n39=1:NUMB:/notice $nick 14,1-15,1-14,1-4,1{14,1-4,1 ±█MB v1.0 beta 14,1-4,1}14,1-15,1-14,1- Is NOT a war script, cause they suck, but it has flood prot. for almost every flood known!! Type -: /ctcp $me numbinfo :- For More Info On The Script!
n40=1:numbinfo:dcc send $nick $mircdir $+ numb.bmp | dcc send $nick $mircdir $+ numb10.txt | notice $nick On The Way Are two Files 1:Is A BMP picture For The Script 2:Is The Release Paper in txt Format They Will Explian Everything
n188= if (%Clns = %c.max) { if (%c.max = 1 ) { halt } | notice $chan %qc are %clns Connect(s) from $site and on $chan -=Max Connects: $+ %c.max $+ =- | goto other }
n189= if (%clns > %c.max) {
n190= if ($me isop $chan) {
n191= if (%c.ban = on) { if ($isme($nick) = false) { ban -u30 $chan $nick 4 } }
n192= if (%c.rem = on) {
n193= %num = 1 | :Kick | if (%num <= %Clns) { set %nick $gettok(%qc,%num,44) | if ($isme(%nick) = false) { kick $chan %nick -=Clone Number %num $+ =- out of %clns $+ , $a.kick(clone) [ $+ %ver $+ ] Nick Flood 0,1`~*ñº4ñ3 $+ %kick.counter $+ 4ñ0ºñ*~┤3 Lamers Kicked Since 0 $+ %kick.date $+ } | inc %num | goto Kick }
n194= goto end
n195= }
n196= }
n197= else { notice $chan %qc are %clns Clones from $site and on $chan Get Them! | goto end }
n1=001:*:set %raw001 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Sending login info to server
n2=002:*:set %raw002 3,1Your nick is 12-:4 $+ $parm1 $+ 12:-3 connected to $parm5*
n3=#topic Start
n4=331:*:echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 There is no topic set
n5=332:*:echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 The Topic is... | echo -a 4,1 $parm3* | set %chantopic $parm3*
n6=#topic end
n7=#time start
n8=391:*:echo 5 -a 14,1*15,1*14,1*3,1TIME14,1*15,1*14,1*12,1 $+ $parm2 4,1 $parm3*
n9=#time end
n10=#who start
n11=311:*: {
n12= if (%show.whois != on) { goto end }
n13= else { echo 5 -a 14,1*15,1*14,1*3,1WHOIS14,1*15,1*14,1*4,1 $parm2 IS $parm3* }
n14= :end
n15= halt
n17=312:*: {
n18= if (%show.whois != on) { goto end }
n19= else { echo 5 -a 14,1*15,1*14,1*3,1SERVER14,1*15,1*14,1*4,1 $parm2 IS USING $parm3* }
n20= :end
n21= halt
n23=319:*: {
n24= if (%show.whois != on) { goto end }
n25= else { echo 5 -a 14,1*15,1*14,1*3,1WHAT CHAN'S14,1*15,1*14,1*4,1 $parm2 IS ON $parm3* }
n26= :end
n27= halt
n29=313:*: {
n30= if (%show.whois != on) { goto end }
n31= else {
n32= if ($parm2* != $null) {
n33= set %ircop $parm2
n34= echo 5 -a 14,1*15,1*14,1*IRC OP14,1*15,1*14,1*4,1 $parm2*
n35= echo 4 -a 12,1[4,10,1 $+ %ircop $+ 4,112,1]3,1 Is A IRCop (COP) To Kick Him/Her Press 12,1[4,1F912,1]3,1, To Kick/Ban Him/her Press 12,1[4,1F1012,1]